
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Women ask?

Ubqari Magazine - May 2016

This page is particularly for the everyday family and personal matters of women. Women do write their everyday experiences and observations. Plus, write clearly and completely on one side of page. No matter if its un-sequential.

Pimples and scars on face:

My age is 21 years. I have scars on my face. I had pimples on my face before marriage but there were no scars. Now after marriage on my face there are scars and pimples made. Now when the pimples come out then become scars with them. I have used a lot of creams and tips but no change came from them. My hairs of head are very small. My head also keeps aching. (K-M, Lala Moosa)

Suggestion: The pimples on face come out because of oily skin. You leave the usage of soap and keep farina in washroom. Mix one spoon of farina and 5 drops of lemon juice in it with little bit of water but it should remain hard should not get soft. Then rub it slowly on face. If you feel it hard then put little water on fingers and rub it on face. When it starts getting dry then wash the face. All the oil gets away from farina. At night apply little bit of boric powder on pimples with the help of cotton, then sleep. The leaves of neem also remove pimples away. Crush the leaves finally after drying them. It is beneficial by applying in form of powder. Do use blood cleaner of Ubqari medical store. It seems like you have used a lot of warm things after marriage. Make their usage less. Completely prevent the usage of only things. You can also apply the paste of Aloe Vera at sleeping time at night. For the issue of hairs, you can get khul of nut from market or wash the head with lassi of chaati. Do massage of head with some good oil (mustard leaves, benzal, or the oil of sesame) with this your headache will also got better and hairs will also become long, healthy, and perfect.

Hairs fall a lot:

Respected readers! My hairs of head fall a lot. I have used a lot of tips. I have also used oil but hairs are still falling. Please tell about some good oil. Plus, lices are not getting finish from my head. However I take them out but afterwards it’s the same. Please, tell some easy solution for finishing lices. So that the afterwards the lices cannot come again. (Maryam Javed, Gujranwala)

Suggestions: Maryam sister! If attention is not given to food then it does effects the hairs and they slowly starts falling. You pay attention on your hairs, apply oil, check your food what do you eat throughout the day. Eat and cook seasonal vegetables and raw too as salads. You add fresh fruits in salad for e.g. apple, banana. Drink milk at morning and evening. The oil of olives, amla, nuts, eggs and coconut is beneficial for hairs. Some women apply 4 to 5 oils together. Well, whichever oil you get easily starts applying it. By applying oil, there will be change in hairs falling. The treatment for lice is only cleanliness. Keep your hairs clean and half an hour before taking bath mix the lemon after cutting well in your hairs. Lice will finish.

Worried from wrinkles: My problem is of wrinkles: My age is 50 years. There are 10 years wrinkles on my face. I have done treatment of doctor but they say that they become less but don’t go. At my home, mostly Ubqari comes which I read. Your suggestions to women are really great. That’s why I have contacted you. I hope you will tell some easy tip (Shahana Zahid).

Suggestion: Shahana madam! Wrinkles on face look very bad. Its best treatment is to drink a lot of water. Do less make-up and be safe from intense sunlight. If you have complained from hair color then don’t color your hairs for some time. Sleep early at night so that you could get complete sleep. In this condition, fresh cooked papaya is very beneficial. Ear 2-4 pieces and rub one piece slowly on wrinkles. Dry the skin of orange and grind it. Mix 2-4 lemons dry skin in this powder. Then apply it on face by making paste with adding little bit of rose water. You can also mix a pinch of turmeric powder. Apply rose water when dried. Similarly you can apply the paste of cucumber and tomato.

Color yellow: The color of us all siblings is yellow. We all brothers and sisters are weak. How will we get better? My age is 22 years. Whether the stomach is empty or full, burps came. Please suggest treatment. Plus tell some cream for color of face. (Fariha Amin, D.I. Khan).

Suggestion: Madam! Few people are naturally thin and slim. That is one idiom! Eat like goat, dry like stick. Means that on them, the flesh don’t comes. Now I am writing one experienced tip of your brothers and sisters. Do try it! It’s very useful thing and neither has it had bad task. You get ½ kg of nuts from market. Now a days, American nuts are coming which are not bitter. You can even get local nuts task and keep them. Take one packet of warq naqrah. See and buy them. The warq should not be black. Take small cardamom 1 tola and crush these all fat. Now keep 4 kg of cow’s milk for cooking. When it gets boil then nuts, warq naqrah and small cardamom shall be soaked with its skin. When milk starts getting dry then add less then ½ kg of sugar and very nicely cook khoya and keep it in fridge. At morning, eat it of the size of 1 laddu and drink 1 glass of milk on it. This is your breakfast. When the khoya will finish then do write me that how are you all now. This is one energizing spastic tip which gives energy to whole body. In sha Allah with this tip, positive effect will come on your color.

If I eat meat so: May Allah جل جلالہ keeps you and your whole institute in his safety. I am reading Ubqari from 1 year. This is very good magazine. I am having 1 problem that is that if I eat meat so intense itching starts on my whole body. I am very worried with this problem. The medicine of doctor gives timely benefit but again same situation. Please tell some good suggestion. (Shehnaz Ajmal, Chah Manjho Wala).

Suggestion: In our minds, this thing has sticked that from meat we get energy. Although, Allah SWT has kept uncountable qualities in vegetables and pulses as well, energy is present in them also. You don’t meat more than 1 or 2 times in a week and do add seasonal vegetables in meat. You have hepatitis prevention syrup ‘from the office of monthly Ubqari Lahore’ and at least drink 20 bottles. In sha Allah, your problem will get solved.

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